About Me

When my dad handed me my first camera at age 12, he told me "You're the family documentarian. Show me a story with your photos. It doesn't matter if they're good yet." I hadn't learned anything about exposure, ISO, aperture or even how to get photos from a camera to a computer! But what I had learned was the lesson that I've carried with me: "Show me a story with your photos".

With each photo shoot I take on, the challenge to present a story comes with it. My love for people and my desire to turn moments into memories has lead me down a road full of clients turned lifelong friends, life lessons learned, and a continuing appreciation for my craft.

If I'm not on a shoot or in the office working on photos, you can probably find me starting a new hobby, climbing with friends, or driving around town in search of new photo locations.


Do you shoot weddings?

Yes!! They are some of my favorite events to shoot. Being the person in charge of capturing the feeling and memory of your big day is such an amazing opportunity! To get a full list of packages, click the Contact Me button!

Do you offer destination weddings/events?

Absolutely! I offer Colorado Springs, Manitou Springs, Castle Rock and Centennial weddings at no destination charge, but anything outside of that area comes with travel expenses added to the original package price. For more info, shoot me an email by clicking the Contact Me button!

Do I have to know how to pose for my photo shoot?

Nope! I take care of making sure you look relaxed, comfortable and happy in your photos! I will guide you on what to do when and will place you in the perfect backgrounds for your unique vision.

Can I bring animals/friends to shoots?

Absolutely! I always tell my clients that you can bring as many people or animal friends as you'd like to your sessions!